
  1. Investor Conference Report: The Company was invited and will hold an Investor Conference Report at RELIANCE SECURITIES CO., LTD. (3F, No.50, Sec.1, Xinsheng S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100, Taiwan ) on November 26, 2021. The content is including company briefing, industry overview, operating results and future prospects of the financial and other relevant information.

  2. Regarding Investor Conference Report of English version, please refer to the attachment, or log on to the public information observatory corporate governance zone.
  1. 受邀參加德信證券舉辦之法人說明會:本公司受邀參加110年11月26日在德 信證券(台北市中正區新生南路一段50號3樓) 舉辦之法人說明會,會議內容為公司簡介、所屬產業概況、營運成果及未來展望等財務業務相關資訊。

  2. 法人說明會相關資訊請參考如 <附件檔案> 或上公開資訊觀測站的公司治理專區。
  1. Investor Conference Report: The Company was invited and will hold an Investor Conference Report at RELIANCE SECURITIES CO., LTD. (3F, No.50, Sec.1, Xinsheng S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100, Taiwan ) on December 25, 2020. The content is including company briefing, industry overview, operating results and future prospects of the financial and other relevant information.

  2. Regarding Investor Conference Report of English version, please refer to the attachment, or log on to the public information observatory corporate governance zone.
  1. 受邀參加德信證券舉辦之法人說明會:本公司受邀參加109年12月25日在德 信證券(台北市中正區新生南路一段50號3樓) 舉辦之法人說明會,會議內容為公司簡介、所屬產業概況、營運成果及未來展望等財務業務相關資訊。

  2. 法人說明會相關資訊請參考如 <附件檔案> 或上公開資訊觀測站的公司治理專區。
  1. Investor Conference Report: The Company held an Investor Conference Report at the Information Exhibition Center, Taiwan Stock Exchange (No.10, Sec.5 Xinyi Road, Taipei, Taiwan) on December 25, 2019. The content is including company briefing, Industry overview, operating results and future prospects of the financial and other relevant information.
  2. Regarding Investor Conference Report’s English version, please refer to the attachment, or on the public information observatory corporate governance zone.
  1. 召開法人說明會:本公司於108年12月25日在臺灣證券交易所1樓資訊展示中心(台北市信義區信義路五段7號1樓)召開法人說明會,會議內容為公司簡介、所屬產業概況、營運成果及未來展望等財務業務相關資訊。
  2. 法說會相關資訊請參考如 <附件檔案> 或上公開資訊觀測站的公司治理專區。
  1. Investor Conference Report: The Company held an Investor Conference Report at the Information Exhibition Center, Taiwan Stock Exchange (No.10, Sec.5 Xinyi Road, Taipei, Taiwan) on December 7, 2018. The content is including company briefing, Industry overview, operating results and future prospects of the financial and other relevant information.
  2. Regarding Investor Conference Report’s English version, please refer to the attachment, or on the public information observatory corporate governance zone.
  1. 召開法人說明會:本公司於107年12月7日在臺灣證券交易所1樓資訊展示中心(台北市信義區信義路五段7號1樓)召開法人說明會,會議內容為公司簡介、所屬產業概況、營運成果及未來展望等財務業務相關資訊。
  2. 法說會相關資訊請參考如 <附件檔案> 或上公開資訊觀測站的公司治理專區。
  1. Investor Conference Report: The Company held an Investor Conference Report at the Information Exhibition Center, Taiwan Stock Exchange (No.10, Sec.5 Xinyi Road, Taipei, Taiwan) on November 30, 2017. The content is including company briefing, Industry overview, operating results and future prospects of the financial and other relevant information.
  2. Regarding Investor Conference Report’s English version, please refer to the attachment, or on the public information observatory corporate governance zone.
  1. 召開法人說明會:本公司於106年11月30日在臺灣證券交易所1樓資訊展示中心(台北市信義區信義路五段7號1樓)召開法人說明會,會議內容為公司簡介、所屬產業概況、營運成果及未來展望等財務業務相關資訊。
  2. 法說會相關資訊請參考如 <附件檔案> 或上公開資訊觀測站的公司治理專區。

本公司於103年5月7日上午10點起 至103年5月9日 受麥格理證券邀請參加其在香港舉辦之大中華論壇

  1. 召開法人說明會:本公司於103年5月7日上午10點起 至103年5月9日 受麥格理證券邀請參加其在香港舉辦之大中華論壇,(Macquarie Greater China Conference 2014, Hong Kong), 會議內容為公司簡介、營運概況、所屬產業概況及未來展望等財務業務相關資訊。
  2. 法說會相關資訊請參考如 <附件檔案,中文版及英文版> 或上公開資訊觀測站的公司治理專區。

1.召開法人說明會:本公司於100年5月27日下午3點在台北市松山區東興路8號13樓(統一綜合證券 總公司會議室)召開法人說明會,會議內容為公司簡介、營運概況、所屬產業概況及未來展望等財務業務相關資訊。

2.法說會相關資訊請參考如 <附件檔案> 或上公開資訊觀測站的公司治理專區。


2.法說會相關資訊請參考如 <附件檔案> 或上公開資訊觀測站的公司治理專區。

  1. Investor Conference Report: The Company was invited and will hold an Investor Conference Report at RELIANCE SECURITIES CO., LTD. (3F, No.50, Sec.1, Xinsheng S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100, Taiwan ) on December 25, 2020. The content is including company briefing, industry overview, operating results and future prospects of the financial and other relevant information.

  2. Regarding Investor Conference Report of English version, please refer to the attachment, or log on to the public information observatory corporate governance zone.
  1. Investor Conference Report: The Company was invited and will hold an Investor Conference Report at RELIANCE SECURITIES CO., LTD. (3F, No.50, Sec.1, Xinsheng S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100, Taiwan ) on December 25, 2020. The content is including company briefing, industry overview, operating results and future prospects of the financial and other relevant information.

  2. Regarding Investor Conference Report of English version, please refer to the attachment, or log on to the public information observatory corporate governance zone.
  1. 受邀參加德信證券舉辦之法人說明會:本公司受邀參加109年12月25日在德 信證券(台北市中正區新生南路一段50號3樓) 舉辦之法人說明會,會議內容為公司簡介、所屬產業概況、營運成果及未來展望等財務業務相關資訊。

  2. 法人說明會相關資訊請參考如 <附件檔案> 或上公開資訊觀測站的公司治理專區。
  1. Investor Conference Report: The Company held an Investor Conference Report at the Information Exhibition Center, Taiwan Stock Exchange (No.10, Sec.5 Xinyi Road, Taipei, Taiwan) on December 25, 2019. The content is including company briefing, Industry overview, operating results and future prospects of the financial and other relevant information.
  2. Regarding Investor Conference Report’s English version, please refer to the attachment, or on the public information observatory corporate governance zone.
  1. 召開法人說明會:本公司於108年12月25日在臺灣證券交易所1樓資訊展示中心(台北市信義區信義路五段7號1樓)召開法人說明會,會議內容為公司簡介、所屬產業概況、營運成果及未來展望等財務業務相關資訊。
  2. 法說會相關資訊請參考如 <附件檔案> 或上公開資訊觀測站的公司治理專區。
  1. Investor Conference Report: The Company held an Investor Conference Report at the Information Exhibition Center, Taiwan Stock Exchange (No.10, Sec.5 Xinyi Road, Taipei, Taiwan) on December 7, 2018. The content is including company briefing, Industry overview, operating results and future prospects of the financial and other relevant information.
  2. Regarding Investor Conference Report’s English version, please refer to the attachment, or on the public information observatory corporate governance zone.
  1. 召開法人說明會:本公司於107年12月7日在臺灣證券交易所1樓資訊展示中心(台北市信義區信義路五段7號1樓)召開法人說明會,會議內容為公司簡介、所屬產業概況、營運成果及未來展望等財務業務相關資訊。
  2. 法說會相關資訊請參考如 <附件檔案> 或上公開資訊觀測站的公司治理專區。
  1. Investor Conference Report: The Company held an Investor Conference Report at the Information Exhibition Center, Taiwan Stock Exchange (No.10, Sec.5 Xinyi Road, Taipei, Taiwan) on November 30, 2017. The content is including company briefing, Industry overview, operating results and future prospects of the financial and other relevant information.
  2. Regarding Investor Conference Report’s English version, please refer to the attachment, or on the public information observatory corporate governance zone.
  1. 召開法人說明會:本公司於106年11月30日在臺灣證券交易所1樓資訊展示中心(台北市信義區信義路五段7號1樓)召開法人說明會,會議內容為公司簡介、所屬產業概況、營運成果及未來展望等財務業務相關資訊。
  2. 法說會相關資訊請參考如 <附件檔案> 或上公開資訊觀測站的公司治理專區。

本公司於103年5月7日上午10點起 至103年5月9日 受麥格理證券邀請參加其在香港舉辦之大中華論壇

  1. 召開法人說明會:本公司於103年5月7日上午10點起 至103年5月9日 受麥格理證券邀請參加其在香港舉辦之大中華論壇,(Macquarie Greater China Conference 2014, Hong Kong), 會議內容為公司簡介、營運概況、所屬產業概況及未來展望等財務業務相關資訊。
  2. 法說會相關資訊請參考如 <附件檔案,中文版及英文版> 或上公開資訊觀測站的公司治理專區。

1.召開法人說明會:本公司於100年5月27日下午3點在台北市松山區東興路8號13樓(統一綜合證券 總公司會議室)召開法人說明會,會議內容為公司簡介、營運概況、所屬產業概況及未來展望等財務業務相關資訊。

2.法說會相關資訊請參考如 <附件檔案> 或上公開資訊觀測站的公司治理專區。


2.法說會相關資訊請參考如 <附件檔案> 或上公開資訊觀測站的公司治理專區。

  1. Investor Conference Report: The Company was invited and will hold an Investor Conference Report at RELIANCE SECURITIES CO., LTD. (3F, No.50, Sec.1, Xinsheng S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100, Taiwan ) on December 25, 2020. The content is including company briefing, industry overview, operating results and future prospects of the financial and other relevant information.

  2. Regarding Investor Conference Report of English version, please refer to the attachment, or log on to the public information observatory corporate governance zone.